Jim asked Ashley Pira, a freshman behavioral neuroscience major at Northeastern who has managed to get into a laboratory, to write a piece on how students and professors connect and to do it from a student view. You will find … Continued
Last Thursday and Friday, one of us (Jim) attended a very interesting 2 day conference for 32 people at Clark University on the topic of Liberal Education and Effective Practice. We thought that this week we would make our post … Continued
This post is the third in a series co-authored by Jim and students. We wanted to give a flavor of what it is like to think with students as well as just have them take and give feedback on programs. … Continued
We continue here, and for a while, to post pieces written by one of us and students at Northeastern University. This one deals with the moment when a student working outside the classroom (here in a biology lab) realizes that they are fufilling real responsibilities. Enjoy and tell … Continued