The developing brain, symbolic logic, white matter, & object permanence Natalia Baron UA ‘26 and Jim Stellar We did a previous blog on metacognition in college students and before that a blog on early childhood development and autism. Now … Continued
ADHD and a cognitive/emotional integration overview By Sophia DiLavore UA’25 and Jim Stellar We have been meeting and talking about ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) for a while, starting with a first blog and again with another second blog. … Continued
Thoughts on Teaching and the role of authenticity Lorraine Affigne UA ‘27, Allison V. Craig, and Jim Stellar Teaching is an art. Teaching is a science. Most of all teaching is a connection between the instructor and the … Continued
If Oxytocin induces an approach-oriented profile, what does that mean for society? By Alondra De Lahongrais Lamboy AGMU’26 and Jim Stellar According to a study, oxytocin administration induces an “approach-oriented cardiovascular profile” during stressful situations. We find that statement … Continued
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex and amygdala, cognitive-emotional integration in one pathway – the Uncinate Fasciculus By Jenay Bartlett UA’25 (JB), Judah Weathers (JW), and Jim Stellar (JS) This blog is a collaboration of JB who is a senior undergraduate, … Continued
Societal Trauma and Resilience: A Path towards Recovery, Empowering Women, and Epigenetics Ana Cecilia Duarte, Arezoo Hajighorbani, and Jim Stellar In our last short blog on brain reward, societal trauma and resilience, we suggested that some help with … Continued
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” —Rumi Maura James and Jim Stellar This quote prompted us to write about the big challenge of connecting moral words with the place … Continued
Trauma sticking to the body By Natalie Seow and Jim Stellar Note: This post is written by Natalie. I (JS) participated in some light editing, particularly on the neuroscience points at the end. But this post is her thinking … Continued
ADHD and pleasure-seeking systems By Sophia DiLavore and Jim Stellar This blog is about the established idea that dopamine in the limbic system is important to Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as defined by DSM5-TR and as shown … Continued
Cognitive-emotional integration – reward and happiness By Lizzie Gurwitz UA ’24 and Jim Stellar Basic reward is thought to be a result of a neural process of the limbic (emotional) system. More specifically, reward is thought to come out … Continued