The higher education value proposition – co-creation with industry of an educated citizen
by Jim Stellar
As higher education continues to work on the basic vale proposition in terms of what the student gets vs. the investment of family funds and student time, the topics considered in this blog become more relevant. One of the fundamental characteristics of any program of experiential education is that it gets the students, and therefore the institution, off campus and in contact with the real world. That outcome occurs with service-learning as the institution forms a relationship with the service provider by exchanging students. A great deal of learning within the institution can occur with such partnerships. In programs of cooperative education (think repeated long-term full-time paid internships), the interaction is often with corporations which might employ those students after graduation.
Industry has a great stake in the ability of higher education to produce educated citizens and Thami Msubo and I wrote a blog about the potential for collaboration between industry and higher education in using the concept of co-creating the educated citizen. Now, he has just given what I think is an important graduation address at the Durbin University of Technology in his home country of South Africa where he is Chief of Human Resources for Telecom South Africa. Attached to this posting is a copy of his graduation speech which he graciously allowed me to post today. I urge you to read it.
click here to get the pdf file thami-msubo-graduation-speech-dut-april-15-2013