If a Rose is a Rose*…, when is a Reflection a Reflection? Sarah Platt and Jim Stellar Sarah was an undergraduate at Northeastern ¨University when I was Dean. We always had these great conversations. Then a few years … Continued
“Doctor” – Patient Interaction, more substantial and authentic than college Lauren Donohoe QC ’11 &’13 and Jim Stellar Lauren and I have written before about the dynamic of being an undergraduate researcher in a speech/audiology laboratory and how … Continued
Of Organizations and People Ute Wenkemann NU’11 and Jim Stellar Ute and I wrote a blog post in Feb-10 about what it was like to be a student from Germany studying abroad in the USA and doing co-op … Continued
Heart/Mind, Art Antonella Mason QC’ 11 and Jim Stellar AM was a student with whom JS interacted after meeting at a student art show. While AM was in Italy she sent the following statement in an e-mail. I was … Continued
Experience comes with years Shalini Singh CC’13 and Jim Stellar Shalini took a neuroscience-based large general education course that I co-taught last spring to about 240 students. She sat in the middle about 3 rows back from the … Continued
Social Neuroeconomics – Over bidding Raphael Spiro QC 12 and Jim Stellar Raph has been reading a bit of the literature on neuroecomomics, something we have written about before in this blog. We’d like to propose that the … Continued
We experience so that we may learn. Jungyo Kim QC’13 and Jim Stellar From my perspective (JS) the story begins when JK took a class I co-taught last spring (PSY282) and we connected over an idea for a new … Continued
Refining a long term passion in the academy Michaela Tralli QC’12 and Jim Stellar Michaela took a course I co-taught last spring. We began to talk about how one finds one’s field and her field looks like it … Continued
Sensemaking – something one learns from experience Luisa Melo NU’00 and Jim Stellar Luisa was an undergraduate who worked on a senior honors project with me in behavioral neuroscience. After graduation she worked in academic biochemistry research for years, pursued … Continued
The Undergraduate Experiential Education of an MBA Corinne Freeman D’Ambrosio NU 02 and Jim Stellar Corinne was a major in Anthropology with an Education minor who went into business after graduation and just received her MBA degree (congratulations!). … Continued