Higher Education Cost – make it more worthwhile by adding experience to the academic curriculum Allyson Savin and Jim Stellar We started talking about writing this post at the end of June 2014 when there was a burst of media … Continued
Preparing for Co-op Abroad – The Ultimate Internship Lily Chryssis and Jim Stellar Lily is a graduate of Northeastern University in 2004 as a major in Political Science & International Affairs who took advantage of the co-op program. … Continued
Internships in Law – EQ meets IQ processing Hillary W. Steinbrook and Jim Stellar Hillary and I met at Northeastern when she was a Harvard Law Student doing an internship in the legal office. She graduated and now … Continued
WIL around the world on a smile – communicating, learning, growing Michelle Hansford and Jim Stellar Michelle is the Director at the World Association of Cooperative Education (WACE) and someone with whom I have worked in the past as part … Continued
Riding high on horse-human communication Susan Salk and Jim Stellar Susan is a professional writer and we became friends at our previous jobs. Recently, we began talking about the blog and how interesting it is that animals and … Continued