Cultivating STEM field interest in diverse high school student populations – one college student’s Ex Ed journey Symone Reid UA ’15 and Jim Stellar SR was a major in biochemistry and molecular biology and a senior when we … Continued
Finding Passion in the field(s) Shoshana Wodinsky QC’17 and Jim Stellar SW is a dual degree undergraduate in Neuroscience and English at Queens College where I was for 5 years before coming to the University at Albany about … Continued
A Student Group Can Produce Retention – an Example of the Middle Earth Program by Marc Cohen UA’16 and Jim Stellar MC has been and is involved in student leadership at the University at Albany, SUNY, and now at the … Continued
The Same Effects of Undergraduate Research, 44 Years Apart Akanksha Atrey UA ’18 and Jim Stellar I first met AA at a ceremony where she won a Woman in Technology Award and we discovered in casual conversation that … Continued
Lessons learned for retention from the EOP program and other student voices Chrisel Martinez UA ‘16, Brittanyliz Echevarria UA’17, and Jim Stellar Both CM and BE worked for an enhancing the student experience (ESE) retention team at the … Continued
Women, Decision-Making, and Experiential Education Rachel Eager UA’18 and Jim Stellar It is not deniable. Sexism still exists despite the fact that it is not as blatantly outright as it once was. Women can now have careers, wear what they … Continued
Experiential education and decisions without words Darya Rubenstein QC 14 and Jim Stellar We two recently wrote a blog post that focused on Rabbi Akiva Tatz’s view of wisdom in the sense of da’as; a Hebrew term meaning … Continued
Wisdom, unconscious decision-making, and experiential learning Darya Rubenstein QC 14 and Jim Stellar In an interesting YouTube piece, Rabbi Akiva Tatz addresses an issue that is under emphasized in the Western world: wisdom. In the world we live … Continued
The Trolley Problem in Philosophy, In- vs. Out-groups, and Experiential Education Anna Wilga QC ‘15 and Jim Stellar This story begins with the trolley dilemma from modern philosophy. The trolley dilemma today is a two-part thought experiment, … Continued
College Price vs. Value and Experiential Education Allyson Savin NU’07 and Jim Stellar AS and JS wrote a blog post a few years ago on leadership – a natural topic as AS was a student leader.But AS was also a … Continued