Reflection and the Brain: A potential Connection between Limbic and Cortical processing circuitry By Kathleen Larsen UA ’21 and Jim Stellar In our last blog, we discussed a conventional model developed by Kolb of the way reflection on experience could … Continued
Reflection and the Brain by Kathleen Larsen UA ’21 and Jim Stellar It is taken for granted that reflection facilitates the integration of affect and cognition that we believe work together in experiential education to build student maturity in a … Continued
How does experience produce professional growth? Jerlisa Fontaine ’18 and Jim Stellar Jerlisa was a human biology major and was the president of the student government, the Student Association (SA), at the University at Albany for a year in her … Continued
A view on student diversity and STEM education from someone raised in Jamaica by Symone Reid UA’15, 18’ and Jim Stellar SR came to America when she was 12 years old, settling with her family in the New York area. … Continued
Professional knowledge from a college internship: What implicit wisdom carries over into the launching of a work career. Naomi Ducat QC’ 16 and Jim Stellar Naomi has worked full-time for about 3 years, but she did many internships in college. … Continued
Experiment in Authenticity: Lessons learned from a High School tour of a Cooperative Education University Swapna Rao NU’02 and Jim Stellar Oddly, I met Swapna after she graduated from Northeastern University when an alumna introduced us. I was still Dean … Continued
A Constant Battle: As the Amygdala takes on the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex – Blog #3 By Sarmin Akter, Branden Eggan, PhD, James Stellar, PhD Fear and anxiety are two things that can stop a person from reaching their truest … Continued
A Constant Battle: Conscious and Subconscious Brain Areas – Blog #2 Sarmin Akter, Branden Eggan, PhD, James Stellar, PhD In our first blog, we discussed the basic idea of what we called conscious vs. unconscious brain processes and the … Continued
A Constant Battle: The Conscious, Subconscious, Diversity and Inclusion – Blog #1 Sarmin Akter UA’22, Branden Eggan, James Stellar, My Story I, Sarmin, remember the excitement I felt when I first came to visit the University at Albany. The … Continued
Are Entrepreneurs Born or Made? An Experiential Education View Pat Gareau UA’17 and Jim Stellar As we wrote in the end of our last blog on place-based thinking in entrepreneurship, unconscious vs. conscious decision-making may play a role in developing … Continued