Bringing experiential education techniques to the “flipped” Classroom, undergraduate-professor partnership, and student engagement Agata Buras QC’16 and Jim Stellar This blog post explores how experiential education ideas could be applied right in the classroom as course-based teaching … Continued
Experiential learning builds social capital: Here’s how by Anna Luerssen Assistant Professor of Psychology, Lehman College, CUNY Introduction Although the classroom is the epicenter of learning in the American education system, much can be gained by students if they … Continued
Diversity is Experiential Education By Chloe’ Skye Weiser QC’14, To begin with a personal note, I did not have a diverse upbringing. Until I came to Queens College, a university setting that strikingly hosts students from 120 countries speaking … Continued
Freeing the Mind: Eradicating Gender Inequity in Higher Education with Experiential Learning and insights from Neuroscience By Naomi Ducat QC ‘16 “I want to be a ballerina,” said Samantha, the seven-year-old girl for whom I babysit on Thursday evenings. … Continued
The Social Brain and the Experiential Education in and out of the Classroom by Shalini Singh (City College CUNY ’15) What is experiential education?Why is the social brain important? How does such an educational experience impact the students’ capacity … Continued